When people think about Hawaii, relaxation often comes to mind, but it is actually an ideal place to be active as well.
In fact, according to a recent study, Honolulu is one of the top-ranked areas in the U.S. to live an active lifestyle. The study was based on stats from 38 metrics in the 100 largest cities in the country. Those metrics included things such as how many outdoor spaces there are, the price to participate in physical activities and the number of sports-related facilities.
The researchers uncovered that Honolulu has the most basketball hoops and softball/baseball diamonds per capita. Walkability and the amount of sports clubs were also factored in.
So, while the majority of travelers may be visiting Honolulu to lounge, those who live on the island have ample opportunity to live an active lifestyle.
It is yet another reason why Honolulu is a good place to purchase real estate and set down roots. If you are interested in purchasing a home in the area, don’t hesitate to reach out to one of our home loan professionals, who can guide you through all the loan programs and products that may be an ideal fit for your unique financial picture.